

Activities  / News

The Group in the Media, and related News

2020. El Mar Menor se achica y pierde 18 centímetros de fondo en un decenio (18/02/2020, La Verdad, Murcia, Spain).

2020. El Mar Menor pierde cada año dos centímetros de profundidad (18/02/2020, La Opinión, Murcia, Spain).
2020. fs (+) "Contar la Ciencia". Especial Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia(10/02/2020, fSéneca(+) nro. 19, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia).
2019. La Casa del Agua de Santomera, base de pruebas para las prácticas con drones de los alumnos de la UPCT (27/03/2019, CHS).
2019. La Casa del Agua de Santomera, base de pruebas para las prácticas con drones (27/03/2019, IMIDA).
2019. No vamos a poder evitar la DANA, pero sí podremos estar mejor preparados (27/09/2019, COPE La Manzana de Newton).
2019. 80 proyectos de investigación recibirán 4,2 millones de la Fundación Séneca (15/03/2019, Onda Regional).
2017. The UPCT presens research advances in the Remote Sensing Congress of the Spanish Association (30/10/2017, La Verdad).
2017. The Sciences as Business (23/10/2017, La Verdad).
2017. Futurewater (23/10/2017, La Verdad).
2017. The R&D Group of Water Resources Management participates in the Spanish Remote Sensing Congress (20/10/2017, UPCT Web).
2017. Murcia muestra su liderazgo acogiendo el XVII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección(5/10/2017, Murcia).
2016. La UPCT utilizará la teledetección por satélite para prevenir inundaciones (29/09/2016, Cartagena).
2016. The EC publishes the expert list for evaluation of H2020 (08/2016, Brussels).
2016. Investigadores de la UPCT ofrecen soluciones para optimizar el municipio (22/07/2016, Cartagena).
2016. La UPCT convoca 12 becas para la Cátedra Ayuntamiento de Cartagena (28/02/2016, Cartagena).
2016. Ayuntamiento y UPCT crean una cátedra para optimización de las infraestructuras urbanas (15/02/2016, Cartagena).
2016. AUIP remarks quality of posgrade program in Water Resources of U.N. (08/February/2016, Colombia).
2015. [ASSET] International Meeting: Improving the Water Accounting at Basin Scale (23-24/February, UPCT, Spain). Sponsored by Seneca Foundation.
2014. [ASSET] CHS and UPCT are participating in the european project ASSET for improving water efficiency (26/12/2014, La Verdad, Murcia, Spain)
2014. [ASSET] CHSegura and UPCT are applying a water accounting system at basin level for the European Commission (27/12/2014, CHS, iAGUA, EuropaPress )
2014. [ASSET] Annual Meeting EU ASSET Project (15-16th/12/2014, UPCT, Cartagena)
2014. EIP Water Conference 2014 (4-6/11, Barcelona)
2014. [JPI Climate] Scoping Workshop: Climate change impacts and adaptation economics (13-14/11, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy)
2014. [ENSOCIO-LA] Workshop Marseille (24-26/11, Marseille, France)
2014. ALCUE NET meeting on Biodiversity and Climate Change in Marseille (26-28/11, Marseille, France)
2014. La UPCT y la CHS se alían para estudiar cómo aprovechar mejor el agua (27/09/2014, La Opinión, Murcia).
2014. La CH Segura y la Universidad de Cartagena estudiarán la "contabilidad del agua" (26/09/2014, iagua).
2014. La Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura y la UP de Cartagena trabajarán en un proyecto de eficiencia de agua (26/09/2014, Europa Press).
2014. Consejo de Ministros aprueba firma de Convenio CHS-UPCT para proyecto europeo ASSET en gestión avanzada de recursos hídricos (26/09/2014, Madrid).
2014. 3rd Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium and 3rd International Conference of GIS/RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment (23-27/08/2014, Guangzhou, China).
2014. New Lab of Hydroinformatics, ELDI, Campus Muralla del Mar (Jul/2014, UPCT).
2014. The ENSOCIO-LAC Cancún Event. ENHANCING EU-LAC COLLABORATION ... (30 June/2 July 2014, Cancún, México).
2014. WCRP Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean: Developing,linking and applying climate knowledge. (17-21/03/2014, Montevideo, Uruguay).
2014. Frontiers in European Climate Change Adaptation Research and Practice - CIRCLE-2 FINAL CONFERENCE. (10-12/03/2014, Lisbon, Portugal).
2014. [ASSET] JPI Water News (18/02/2014)
2014. [ASSET] Kick-off Meeting of ASSET Project - Halting Desertification in Europe Pilot projects (UPCT, Cartagena, Spain, 14/02/2014)
2014. [ASSET] Kick-off meeting of the 2013 Halting Desertification in Europe Pilot projects (Brussels EC DG-ENV, 05/02/2014)
2013. [ENSOCIO-LA] ENSOCIO Review Meeting (16-17/12/2013, Berlín, Germany).
2013. [ENSOCIO-LA] ENSOCIO Review Meeting, Stuttgart (14-15/11/2013, Sttutgart, Germany).
2013. [ENSOCIO-LA] Review of initiatives, networks and funding opportunities meeting in Buenos Aires (5-6/11/2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina).
2013. [CIRCLE-2] EBM#10 Executive Board Meeting (30-31/10/2013, Utrech, Netherlands).
2013. [CIRCLE-2] Workshop Adaptation to Climate Change: hydrological cycles as an Ecosystem Service (10-12 Sept 2013 Teruel, Spain)
2013. [CIRCLE-2] MOUNTain Call - Final Conference (25-27 Sept 2013 Barcelona, Spain)
2013. UPCT, en Proyecto Birregional de Cooperación EU - Latinoamérica en Medio Ambiente (25 La Verdad, Murcia, España)
2013. Summer Course "Climate Change and Hydrology". Organized by R&D GRH Group (10-12 Jul 2013, UPCT, Spain)

2013. [CIRCLE-2] EBM#9 Executive Board Meeting (27-28 Jun 2013, Paris, France)
2013. [ENSOCIO-LA] KoM Kick off Meeting (20-21 Jun 2013, Praha, Czeck Republic)
2013. [SIRRIMED] Executive Meeting (08-10 May 2013, Madrid, España)
Tool for assessment of hidroclimatic variability (La Verdad, ABABOL, 20 Abr 2013, Cartagena, Spain)
2013. [CIRCLE-2] EBM#8 Executive Board Meeting (21 Mar 2013, Hamburg, Germany)
2013. Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials (European Commission)
2013. Dream jobs: Hydrologist (European Commission)
2013. ABABOL remarks R&D of GRH Group (La Verdad, 12/01/2013)
2012. We are July (UPCT, Dec 2012)
2012. Halting desertification in Europe. REDSIM presents R&D results (European Parliament, 05/Dic 2012, Brussels)
2012. [CIRCLE-2] Workshop: Response to Extremes Water Related Events, CIRCLE-2 (22-23nd November 2012, Madrid, Spain)
2012. [FutureWater] Symposium. Dutch-Spanish joint day @Cartagena. (16 Nov  2012, Cartagena, UPCT)
2012. [SIRRIMED] EVASPA Petit Workshop (12-16 Nov  2012, Cartagena, UPCT)
2012. CIRCLE-2 Annual Progress Meeting #2 (29-31 October 2012, Lisboa, Portugal)
2012. Interview to Main Researcher of R&D GRH (La Verdad, Murcia, 14/07/2012)
2012. Thesis dissertation about impacts of climate change on extreme droughts and rainfall (Europa Press, 27/03/2012)
2012. The drougth is here. Our Earth (La Verdad, 20/03/2012)
2012. The UPCT highlights results of GRH R&D Group, Info UPCT, 20: 7 (Feb, 2012)
2012. The FutureWater - spin off of UPCT - was set up (Feb 2012)
2012. The UPCT highlights a work of R&D GRH Group, Info UPCT, 20: 7 (Feb, 2012)
2012. Interview to Main Researcher of R&D GRH Group (Science-Seneca Foundation, 01/02/2012)
2012. EurekAlert: R&D results of GRH Group (EurekAlert, 25/01/2012)
2012. National and international media: R&D results of GRH Group (25-26/01/2012)
2011. UPCT: source of entrepreneurs (La Verdad, 07/12/2011)
The R&D Group of GRH involved in European Projects (Vértice 2, Dec, 2011)

2011. 3rd. Project Steering Committee Meeting SIRRIMED (30 Nov-01 Dec/2011, Agadir, Morocco)
2011. Advanced Course: Use of Remote Sensing for Irrigation Management, CIHEAM (21-26/11/2011, Zaragoza, Spain)
2011. Salvando la huerta murciana  (La Verdad, 12/11/2011, Cartagena, Spain)
2011. Halting Desertification in Europe. 2nd Coordination Meeting (25-26/10/2011, UPCT, Cartagena, Spain)
2011.Annual Meeting CIRCLE-2 and DESIGN Workshop EU FP7 ERA-Net (20-21/06/2011, Bologna, Italy)
2011. Spin-Off of UPCT (11/06/2011)
2011. Regional Workshop of R&D. Water and Environment (Murcia, 18/05/2011)
2011. UNIEMPRENDIA 2011. Entrepreneurial idea selected in National Open Call (15/05/2011)
2011. Halting desertification in Europe. 1st Coordination Meeting (NTUA, Athens, Greece, 09/03/2011)
2011. Meeting of European Group of Experts of WS&D (The Hague, 28/02/2011)
2011. Kick-off Meeting REDSIM (EC-DGE). ETSIA, UPCT (Cartagena, 18/02/2011)
2010. IV University Workshop of Business Oportunities (UPCT, 30/11/2010)

2010. Kick-off Meeting SIRRIMED (San Pedro del Pinatar, 01/10/2010)
2010. Meeting of European Group of Experts of WS&D (Helsinki, 29-30/09/2010)
2010. The R&D Agroforest Group and GRH Group visiting the Ben-Arabí Supercomputer. (Sept, 2010).
2010. The R&D GRH visits a Scientific Infrastructure of Murcia. (Jul, 2010).
2010. Investigan cómo ahorrar agua en los regadíos de la Cuenca Mediterránea
2010. Meeting of European Group of Experts of WS&D (Madrid, 02/2010)
2010. The R&D GRH signs the Agreement with CHS, as supporting to European Group of Experts of WS&D
2009. Scientists of UPCT study in Africa the effects of climate change on rainfall
2006. Organization of Ph.D. Program of Water Resources Management. UPCT.
2005. Organization of Master of Planning and Management of Water Resources. UPCT-CEMACAM.
2004. Organization of Specialist Course of Water Planning. UPCT-CEMACAM

International Scientific Workshops in Region of Murcia

Workshop: Response to Extremes Water Related Events, CIRCLE-2 (22-23 Nov 2012, Madrid, España)
- Presentations

Halting Desertification in Europe. 2nd Coordination Meeting (25-26/10/2011, UPCT, Cartagena, Spain)
- Practical Information
- Agenda

Workshop: International Collaboration in Studies of Climate Change and Impacts on Water Resources

International Meeting in Murcia regarding with Drougths. International experts studying an international system of alert of droughts

Interesting News

Spanish Law 14/2011 of Science, Technology and Innovation

Workshop AMMA European Project, Niamey, Niger.  Río Níger a su paso por Niamey, al fondo tormenta de polvo.