

Presentation | Contact Details
 The R&D Group of Water Resources Management (GRH), was set up in 2006 and at the present time the R&D GRH belongs to the Department of Minning and Civil Engineering (UPCT). The aim of the Web site is to divulgate the activities of research, development, teaching, and innovation regarding the planning and management of water resources of the Technical University of Cartagena. The R&D GRH Group is multidisciplinary, composed by professors and posgrade students corresponding to several engineering fields (civil, water resources, cartographic, environmental, among others), as well as members of a spin off of UPCT. The R&D GRH collaborates with the Agro-Forest Knowledge Area (ETSIA, UPCT), and with other national and international teams and institutions.


Dra. Sandra G. García Galiano
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Department of Minning and Civil Engineering
Paseo Alfonso XIII, 52. 30203. Cartagena. Spain

Phone +34 968325935; Skype shyska3
Group ID: D013-02

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