Find your master

Publicada el 26.Ago.2015
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In September begins the third and last phase for the application to the Master programs offered by UPCT. The application period runs from 11th of September until 9th of October.

Among the offer of Masters degrees of the Technical University of Cartagena students can find those which provide them the professional capacity to practice regular professions. This is the case of the Master in Civil Engineering, channels and harbors, designed to entitle graduates with a solid technical background in all areas of civil engineering. It is also the case of the Master in Industrial Engineering and Master of Telecommunication Engineering, the only one in the Region of Murcia which accredits graduates as Telecommunication engineers. In addition, the Faculty of Maritime Studies offers the Master in Naval and Oceanic Engineering and the School of Agriculture proposes a Master in Agricultural Engineering.

The Faculty of Architecture and Building Engineering comes with two offers for the students: the Master in Architectural Heritage, which trains high-level specialists in the research and conservation of heritage and includes a internship and the Master in Science and Technology Building in Architecture for students who wish to acquire advanced technical skills in the world of building, new materials and techniques of architectural innovation.

The Agricultural Faculty presents one of the well-known programmes- the Master in Advanced Techniques in Agricultural Research and Development, focused on the technological experimentation and innovation. In addition, the Faculty offers the Master in Bioinformatics, the basic science of the modern research, which is orientated on the study´s technology, the design and the development of the computer solutions in order to develop a qualitative and quantitative understanding of life.

The Faculty of Industrial Engineering teaches the Master in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Process, which prepares professionals with a high level of scientific and technical training in the field of chemical and biotechnology so that they will join to technological innovative companies; The Master in Renewable Energy is dedicated to professionals who want to increase their expertise in solar, wind, photovoltaic, biomass, hydro energy as well as in hydrogen generation, and offers the chance to a doctoral thesis in this field ;the Master in Electrochemistry, Science and Technology is research oriented and trains to perform R & D in technology centers and companies.

The Faculty of Telecommunication Engineering also contributes to the offers of UPCT masters through the Master in Mobile Communications and Digital Content which is focused on digital market, new formats and creative strategies, languages and tools for digital content creation. Students of this master will deepen the integration between fixed and mobile Internet in the digital content industries.

In the Faculty of Business and Economics students can apply for a Master in Business Administration and Management of Tourist Institutions, which seeks to improve the competitiveness and professionalism of the sector; another option would be the Master in Accounting and Corporate Finance which responds to the current needs of financial management. Other choices are: the Master in Business Administration gives students professional skills for individual and group improvement of the business organization; the Master in Career Guidance and Employment Intermediation, a pioneer in Spain, focuses on career guidance within the active employment policies; the Master in Local Development and Employment, is orientated to invigorate the existing productive resources at the local level; the Master in Labor Risk Prevention enables graduates to perform high level functions as a Technician in Labor Risk Prevention with the specialties of Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene ,Ergonomics and Applied Psychology.

The number of master programs offered by the UPCT was expanded with the addition of two more masters which are still the validation process, the Master in Automation and Remote for the Management of Water and Energy Resources and the Master in Industrial Organization.