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bullet2.gif (1085 bytes) LOS SIETE PECADOS DE LA LOGÍSTICA INVERSA                                homejump.gif (2462 bytes)
A continuación se enuncian los 7 pecados capitales de la logística inversa que presentó James R. Stock de la Universidad del Sur de Florida. El texto pertenece al libro "The 7 Deadly Sins of Reverse Logístics", donde James R. Stock analiza los siete pecados capitales de la Logística Inversa y los considera como un medio de identificación de los principales errores en las estrategias y programas de Logística Inversa. Así mismo, para cada pecado se señalan una serie de preguntas que las empresas deben plantearse para intertar evitarlos.
bullet3.gif (571 bytes) El orgullo

bullet3.gif (571 bytes) La envidia

bullet3.gif (571 bytes) La ira

bullet3.gif (571 bytes) La pereza

bullet3.gif (571 bytes) La avaricia

bullet3.gif (571 bytes) La gula

bullet3.gif (571 bytes) La codicia


El orgullosubir.gif (987 bytes)

"No reconocer que la logística inversa puede ser un factor de ventaja competitiva"

Logística Inversa-33_1.jpg (7029 bytes)

As many firms near competitive parity, achieving and advantage is more difficult. Even on-time pickup and delivery are quickly becoming the "price of adminission to the playing field". Thus, firms must search out other opportunities form gaining competive advantage.

Because product returns are a part of almost every firm´s operations, cost savings and service improvements here can have positive benefits for firms that do a better job. In such a context, a good reverse logistics program becomes a differentiator and means of gainin market advantage.

Preguntas para reflexionar:

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Qué diferencias existen entre su empresa y las de sus competidores?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Qué parte de los costes podría pasarse a los consumidores para mejorar así el beneficio de la organización?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Desean los clientes que se les haga logística inversa?

La envidiasubir.gif (987 bytes)

"Creer que las responsabilidades de la compañía han acabado una vez que la mercancía ha sido enviada"

Logística Inversa-33_2.jpg (7977 bytes)

It has become painfully evident as a result of service failures in the e-tailing and Internet arenas, that efficiently handling product returns is as important as delivering them in the first place.

Taking a life-cycle approach to product distribution is vital, especially to firms trying to optimize customer service at all stages of the buying and return processes.

When the product returns occur, firms must ensure they meet customer requirements of proper handling and administration, credit or refund of purchase price and substitution of defective products.

Preguntas para reflexionar:

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Qué políticas de devolución ofrece la empresa a los clientes?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Qué cantidad y tipo de productos se devuelven el día anterio al permitido?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Tiene la empresa un programa de gestión?

La irasubir.gif (987 bytes)

"Fallar al acoplar los procesos/sistemas (e.g. información/comunicación, informes financiero y servicio al cliente) internos y externos con el comercio electrónico y los aspectos de devolución de productos de la Logística Inversa"

Logística Inversa-33_3.jpg (7685 bytes)

Most information and administrative systems installed by firms were done so with formward distribution in mind. Thus, firms developed near-optimal logistics systems for inbound and outbound product flows. Reverse product flows, however, usually received less attention. Activities such as transportation, warehousing and inventory control are similar throughout the logistics process, but they are not identical in forward and reverse flows. These differences must be incorporated into information systems, programs and processes for best results.

E-commerce --"click-and-mortar"-- firms are especially vulnerable to system deficiencies because product returns are typically higher than they are in traditional "brick-and-mortar" environments. As the number of returns increases, reverse logistics deficiencies and problems magnify.

Preguntas para reflexionar:

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Puede el sistema de información de la empresa y las aplicaciones del software logístico incorporar logística inversa?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Hace la empresa previsión de ventas y estudios de la tasa de retorno de sus distintos tipos de productos?

La perezasubir.gif (987 bytes)

"Suponer que el esfuerzo parcial (presupuestario, de personal, tiempo, espacio...) es suficiente para atender las actividades de Logística Inversa"

Logística Inversa-33_4.jpg (9523 bytes)

Part-time effort usually brings less than optimal results. Firms that are good at forward distribution are not necessarily good at reverse distribution. There are enough differences that make it difficult for firms to administer reverse flows well.

It is important that sufficient time, money and personnel be assigned to reverse logistics tasks if a firm wishes to attain optimum efficiency and effectiveness of the process. Adding the responsibility to managers and employees with already full plates will only result in high costs, problems and delays.

Preguntas para reflexionar:

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Qué cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo requerirán las actividades de logística inversa en la dirección y el personal de apoyo?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) El personal existente ¿ tiene tiempo suficiente y está capacitado para llevar a cabo las actividades de logística inversa?

La avaricia:   subir.gif (987 bytes)

"Creer que los tiempos del ciclo de retorno de los productos pueden ser mayores y con mayor variación que aquellos de los artículos nuevos que se venden o distribuyen"

Logística Inversa-33_5.jpg (9498 bytes)

Inventory carrying costs accumulate whether  products are distributed to customers as first-time sales or come back as a return. Costs incur in both instances.

The value of returned items is usually lower than finished goods sold for the first time (unless the returned item can be resold "as is"). But as a percentage of product value, inventory carrying costs are higher returns

As returned goods languish in a logistics system, these costs increase (due to obsolescence, pilferage and damage), reducing overall product value. In addition, inventory carrying costs as a percentage of product value increase, further reducing profit margins.

In some firms, returned products are assumed to be somehow less important than finished goods sold for the first time. Such items receive less management attention and administrative oversight, because they may be handled when time permits and after othe tasks  are complete. The result is that these products are generally in a firm´s logisctics system for longer and more variable time periods.

Preguntas para reflexionar:

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Cúal es la duración del ciclo de retorno de los productos?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Cuál es el coste asignado al transporte del inventario de los procutos que se devuelven?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Cómo se determina el valor de los productos que se devuelven?

La Gulasubir.gif (987 bytes)

" Suponer que el retorno de productos y el reciclado/reutilización de embalajes se procesarán por sí mismo, si se da suficiente tiempo"

Logística Inversa-33_6.jpg (11841 bytes)

Probems typically do not go away by themselves. Unfortunately, customers do! Reverse logistics requires some specialty skills. For example, finished goods and returned goods are transported and stored, but they have different requirements for handling, maintaining and accounting for them.

To illustrate, produts sent out to customers are usually arranged in neatly stacked and palletized groups. They are easily transported and stored. Conversely, returned items may come back with or without packaging. That packaging may or may not correspond with the produt contained in them. On top of this, multiple product types, sizes and quantities are often returned on a single pallet.

Also, once returned to the warehouse or distribution center, how are returns identified and recorded, and where are they stored? Obviously the cannot be mixed with "new" products. But, should they be assigned a separate part of the storage, facility, handled at different times than outbound finished goods, and how should they be dispositioned? Enough differences exist that any problems not specifically addressed will likely remain and worsen with time.

Preguntas para reflexionar:

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Cómo se está llevando a cabo las actividades de logística inversa?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Quién es el responsable de la logística inversa?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Cuál es el tiempo suficiente para que los problemas se resuelvan por sí mismos?

La Codiciasubir.gif (987 bytes)

" Pensar que el retorno de productos no es suficientemente importante en términos de costes, valoración de activos e ingresos potenciales"

Logística Inversa-33_7.jpg (7741 bytes)

The importance of inventory carring costs in reverse logistics has already been mentioned. However, the revenue side of the equation is equally important. All assets have value, and can generate returns that can be measured with the same financial ratios (such as return on assets, asset turnover ratio) used for finished goods.

On the revenue side, the following are relevant issues: What are the values of items returned that are ready to be resold, repackeged, refurbished or remanufactured? How long  does it take for returned assets to show up on a firm´s income statement and balance sheet? From an asset management perspective, firms need to know when, how many, and what kinds of products are returned.

Preguntas para reflexionar:

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Qué tipo de productos son los que se devuelven?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Cuántos productos devueltos recibe la empresa en un período de tiempo particular?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Existen algunos patrones (temporales, geográficos, de clientes, de productos) de retorno de mercancías?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Cuáles son los costes de procesamiento de las devoluciones?

bullet4.gif (292 bytes) ¿Cuáles son los costes asociados con procesar una devolución, reprocesamiento, reembalaje, regresar un artículo al almacén, transporte de inventario, implementación de programas para eliminar las devoluciones, y realizar las actividades de logística inversa con personal propio y externo?

Nota: Todas las imágenes son copyright© 2000 Mira Reisberg ( http://www.mirareisberg.com/digital/sins.htm )

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